Crazy Times

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Right now, life seems like a bad horror movie. It doesn’t even seem possible how much life has changed in a 2-week or so period due to Covid-19. I feel like most if not all of us are just along for the wild ride. But thankfully I have rediscovered a “safe place” where I can relax, think if I want to, or just listen to the birds sing or gaze at the stars. My safe place the past couple of weeks has been my spa.

While I use the spa on a regular basis, I now find myself using it every day. I find it to be therapeutic both mentally and physically. Some mornings I start my day in the spa and let the springtime songs of the birds make me smile, and some evenings I end my day gazing at the stars and thinking about the huge world out there. In either case, a little time in my spa just makes me feel better.

Please be safe and hopefully very soon this virus will be in our rear-view mirror.