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Help! My Pool Is Green!

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It happens. No one means for it to happen, but it does. You go on vacation and the pool sitter doesn’t “sit” the pool. Life just happens and you have a million other things vying for your attention. The weather became cool and wet, and well, you just kind of forgot that the pool needed a little bit of attention. Stuff …

Welcome To The Family!

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Asher Ryley Owen Stith. We’ve added our newest blessing to our family April 9, 2019! The little guy was too impatient, just like his mommy, and decided to arrive three weeks early! Weighing a whopping 7 pounds 8 ounces and 21 inches long! So much bigger than his big sister, Cambria. Whom is super excited to have taken …

Homegrown Tomatoes

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The end is near. It is almost time to forget about those nearly tasteless imposters that I am forced to put up with during way too many months of the year. Yes folks, it is almost time for homegrown tomatoes. And I am pumped. Yes, some of you are probably already feasting on your own crop, but mine won’t be long. (I ho…

Rain, Rain!

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I am not one of those people that has my nose in my phone or computer screen all day, though I certainly know the type well, and I admit to still getting most of my news the old fashioned way, so maybe I will be off somewhat factually when I say that the wettest spring in 100-years has certainly been a challenge for ma…

The Learning Never Stops

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I’ve been in the pool business for 15 years now and in the outdoor leisure industry for even longer than that. As with anything, offerings and information are constantly evolving, and new improvements continue to make pool and spa ownership even easier. What I find remarkable is how much I continue to learn about the p…

Crab Shells For Clarity?

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One of the most common concerns with pool and spa water is the clarity of the water. Nothing is less inviting than cloudy water. What is even more frustrating is trying to address that cloudiness and it can crop up at the most inopportune times. As much as we would all like to expect our filtration system to consistent…

What’s New Big Green Egg Part 3!

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In the last part of “Whats New” we will take a look at the new Egg Genius. The EGG Genius effortlessly controls the temperature of your EGG through your smartphone, tablet or computer. Remotely manage and monitor cooking temperatures for worry-free cooking and monitor the temperature of your food. You can also view gra…

What’s New Big Green Egg Part 2!

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In the second of three “Whats New” we will take a look at the Eggspander Kit. Unleash your culinary creativity with the ultimate expansion system for the Big Green Egg! The NEW Big Green Egg EGGspander System facilitates an extensive variety of cooking setups to easily utilize the full versatility of the EGG, and the 1…

What’s New Big Green Egg Part 1!

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This is the First of a three part “Whats New” series. The first new product that we just got in, is Big Green Egg’s new Modular Nest System. Build your outdoor kitchen one step at a time with the NEW Big Green Egg Modular Nest System! Start with an EGG Frame, then add to your custom EGG display with Expansion Frames an…

Draft Time

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In my eyes the biggest needs for the Bengals would be: Linebacker, Offensive Line, and tight end. With the upcoming NFL draft in April, I have gone back since the draft in 2000 to see what positions and players have been selected with the 11th overall pick in the draft. You may ask why? Well the Cincinnati Bengals curr…

Benefits of Dogs Swimming

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For dogs who love to swim, playing in the water has many benefits. Swimming is an all-around healthy activity for your dog. It provides everything from exercise to stimulation, and a needed release for all that energy dogs have. Exercise and PlaytimeThe most obvious benefit of swimming for your dog is exercise. Dogs of…

Importance of PH Level in a Salt Water Pool

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The PH in a swimming pool is a critical factor that not everyone takes into account. I remember a customer purchasing a liner for his inground pool a few years ago and during our conversation he mentioned that he uses chlorine tablets only and never checks his PH or does anything but put chlorine in the pool and the wa…

Who likes meat loaf?

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I like meat loaf, sometimes. My family went recently to a local restaurant that served meat loaf as one of their menu options. I was skeptical but I ordered it anyway because I know multiple people that had ordered the meat loaf and said it was great. I thought it was so, so. I am not a great cook but I have a great ov…

Cincinnati Red Stockings

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The United States consisted of 37 states. Ulysses S Grant was sworn in as President. The Golden Spike was driven into the ground in Promontory, Utah to create the first trans-continental railroad. Jesse James committed his first confirmed bank robbery. The Cincinnati Red Stockings became the first Major League Baseball…

35th Anniversary

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For those of you out there that loved that certain prehistoric family from Bedrock, the Flintstones, you may recall my all-time favorite episode. Its Fred and Wilma’s anniversary and Fred decides to buy Wilma a piano. As is usual, Fred gets Barney involved and the hilarity begins, culminating with Fred and Barney rolli…

Could This Be The Year?

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Every year it seems multiple times per year hope springs eternal that this year will be the year. Whether it is the Reds, the Bengals, the Bearcats or the Musketeers, we have that undying hope that this is the year that one of them brings home a championship. As a fan this is almost to a point maddening as it seems eve…

Pothole Season

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No one is ever excited to think of this ongoing menace of the roads, but if you think about it it is a good sign. The freeze and thaw cycles that open these kidney rattling asphalt craters are a sign that spring is just around the corner. As long as you don’t lose a tire or rim, think of this as a harbinger of spring w…

Mother Nature

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The calendar still says winter and Mother Nature seems to be playing along with this script, but anyone that has been around Cincinnati any time at all knows that with a seeming flip of the switch spring can be here. Need I remind anyone of the Polar Vortex a couple of weeks ago that was followed a couple of days later…

Salt system advantages

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Chemicals,Fun Stuff,General,Swimming Pools,Tips
Most customers have heard of a salt system by now. The decision whether or not get one can be tough. Out of our last roughly 500 pools, all but 1 has gone with salt. The reason our sales guys push so hard to get our customers on the system is, ease of use. There is a rather large learning curve in the day to day care o…
